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C# Eval Expression Eval Manager
Static manager class for options shared between all instances.
Gets or sets the cache to use to cache compiled delegate.
// using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this.
EvalManager.Cache = MemoryCache.Default;
You can use your own cache provider inheriting from System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache
Gets or sets the default context to use for all operations using the default context.
You can also directly change options
The default context is used in static methods:
// using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this. EvalManager.DefaultContext.RegisterExtensionMethod(typeof(Z.ExtensionMethods)) // Make member case insensitive (Math.pOW = Math.Pow) EvalManager.DefaultContext.BindingFlags = BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | context.BindingFlags
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