C# Eval Expression String Extensions Methods
Extend the String class with methods to Execute & Compile C# expression.
Under the hood, string extensions use the default context to execute and compile expressions.
public static object Execute(this string code, params object[] parameters) { return EvalManager.DefaultContext.Execute(code, parameters); }
Execute a C# expression. Extend the String class.
- "string".Execute<TResult>()
- "string".Execute<TResult>(object parameters)
- "string".Execute<TResult>(params object[] parameters)
- "string".Execute()
- "string".Execute(object parameters)
- "string".Execute(params object[] parameters)
// using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this. var result1 = "1+2".Execute<int>(); // return 3 var result2 = "X+Y".Execute(new { X = 1, Y = 2 }); // return 3
Compile a C# expression. Extend the String class.
- "string".Compile<TDelegate>()
- "string".Compile<TDelegate>(IEnumerable<string> parameterNames)
- "string".Compile<TDelegate>(params string[] parameterNames)
- "string".Compile(): Func<object>
- "string".Compile(Type type1): Func<object, object>
- "string".Compile(Type type1, ... , Type type9): Func<object, ... , object, object>
- "string".Compile(IEnumerable<Type>): Func<IEnumerable, object>
- "string".Compile(params Type[]): Func<IEnumerable, object>
- "string".Compile(IDictionary<string, Type>): Func<IDictionary, object>
// using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this. string s = "Price * Quantity"; var compiled = s.Compile<Func<OrderItem, decimal>>(code); decimal totals = 0; foreach(var item in list) { totals += compiled(item); }
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