C# Eval Expression LINQ Dynamic - ElementAt

LINQ Dynamic ElementAt Examples

C# Dynamic LINQ ElementAt examples using an Expression Evaluator.


This C# example uses the LINQ ElementAt method with a dynamic expression to retrieve the second number greater than 5 from an array.


int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0};

var fourthLowNum = numbers.Where(n => n > 5).ElementAt(1); // second number is index 1 because sequences use 0-based indexing 

Console.WriteLine("Second number > 5: {0}", fourthLowNum);

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LINQ Execute

int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0};

var fourthLowNum = numbers.Where(n => n > 5).Execute<int>("ElementAt(1)"); // second number is index 1 because sequences use 0-based indexing 

Console.WriteLine("Second number > 5: {0}", fourthLowNum);

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Second number > 5: 8
